洞地- 保& 安 2021 影像 12 分27 秒

洞地- 保& 安 2021 影像 12 分27 秒

洞地- 保& 安 2021 影像 12 分27 秒

洞地- 保& 安 2021 影像 12 分27 秒
The burrow– Protection & Peace
A group of property security guards at the resort are taking physical trainings. They repeat the salute and stride on command. Here comes a group image of security guards: they are of different physical appearance, performing uncoordinated body movements and expressions that show a laxity and confusion that has not yet been fully disciplined. The physical bodies of these guards also constitute substantial boundaries under a delicate landscape with warm daylight tones.
More texts about the work:
Pamela WONG, Art Asia Pacific, 2021 (EN)
李佳,LI Jia, Artforum, 2022 (CN)
任越 REN Yue, LEAP Magazine,2022 (CN)