Room (5) Flesh
Video installation
LCD screen, tiles, wooden door, chair, metal
Single-channel HD video, color, sound
6 min 05 sec
This installation allows the viewer to observe through the half-open door of a dilapidated bathroom the fragmented image of an LCD screen reflected in a mirror. In the reflected image, an older, semi-nude woman, portrayed by Violette, rubs the folds of her skin in another bathroom. Yao collaborates with this performer because it is uncommon to see an elderly woman’s naked body and its physical tensions. She takes a long look at herself in the mirror, stretching her body to highlight her sternum, shoulder blades, ribs, and spine. These protruding bones seem to emerge from the skin that envelops them, evoking the raw aspect of the performance, which is brimming with physical vitality. The performance leans towards a ritual of martyrdom with a touch of blasphemy.
«Room» series