Room (1) Wrap
Single-channel HD video, color, sound
16 min 30 sec
A dense white sheet twists and rises from the bed, taking on a vertical shape. Beneath it, dancer Saadia remains hidden under a pale, flesh-toned turban. She sequentially conceals herself behind a translucent white veil and then a black curtain, moving through a sequence of wraps and reveals. Eventually, she steps out from behind the black curtain, displaying her body and hair, and starts the distinctive, vigorous shakes of traditional Arab belly dancing. These powerful tremors ripple through every muscle, causing her silky nightgown to quiver. Slowly, she loosens her headwrap, unveiling her face and letting her long hair flow. This is the Khaleegy, a celebratory dance of Middle Eastern women, revealing brief glimpses of her face as we hear her breathing. It is the process of a body slowly shedding its covers, transitioning from the hidden form of an object to that of a human being. The filming evolves too, shifting from a distant, stationary shot to a close-up that captures the dancer’s emotional state.
«Room» series