Room (2) Walk
Single-channel HD video, color, sound
16 minutes 25 seconds
Yao Qingmei is fascinated by the rhythmic legwork of professional swing dancer Jean-Charles. He explores the full range of his walking capabilities within the confines of a small, narrow hotel room. When fatigued and needing rest, Jean-Charles reclines on a slender sofa. Here, he is asked to relinquish the controlled theatrical expressions of his body, adopting a more slumped posture instead. He visualizes his body as a room that someone enters through his fingers. The movement starts with subtle, nearly invisible motions at his fingertips, sending pulses that travel through his elongated frame, resonating from within. In a close-up, the dancer’s face transitions from involuntary twitches to increasingly pronounced grimaces. Throughout, Yao Qingmei portrays an enigmatic identity; initially dressed like a conventional business traveler, Jean-Charles soon reveals himself as a man driven by rhythm.